Defensive tactical behavior of the brazilian team during the FIFA world cup - Qatar 2022

  • Helder Rangel Scardua Universidade Vila Velha - UVV, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brasil.
  • Caique Piedade Conde Universidade Vila Velha - UVV, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brasil.
  • Guilherme Rebelo Silva Ribeiro Universidade Vila Velha - UVV, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brasil.
  • Cristiane Rebelo Silva Ribeiro Universidade Vila Velha - UVV, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brasil.
  • Murilo Rebelo Silva Ribeiro Universidade Vila Velha - UVV, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brasil.
Keywords: Football, Physical education, Athletic performance


Football had its emergence in Europe, more specifically in England. Because it is a widespread and highly disputed sport worldwide, there was a need to improve the performance of the participants, seeking improvements so that the athletes would have more physical, psychological and technical conditions. With regard to current football, the numbers that teams produce during a match are often observed, making it possible to determine their performance in the championship. Through this evolution of the sport and the advancement of technologies, it was perceived the lack of producing tools that met the understanding needs of the athletes in the tactical evaluation questions. Currently, there are different analysis instruments that can be used for this purpose in games. The present study analyzes the defensive actions, more specifically the elements of coverage, marking and base, of the Brazilian National Football Team during the five games played in the FIFA World Cup - QATAR 2022. The results obtained through the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI), an analysis instrument that mentions game elements that must be verified in the defensive and offensive systems, reveal a greater emphasis on the marking item, with a total of 739 markings during the competition. The data from this work, therefore, contribute to the understanding of the actions of the Brazilian National Team in the course of the matches, and can be of great value for scholars to understand the relevance of using tactics in a soccer match.


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How to Cite
Scardua, H. R., Conde, C. P., Ribeiro, G. R. S., Ribeiro, C. R. S., & Ribeiro, M. R. S. (2024). Defensive tactical behavior of the brazilian team during the FIFA world cup - Qatar 2022. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 16(65), 219-229. Retrieved from
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