Ball workers or system hostages? The trajectory of the football athlete in the field demarced by the interests of capital

  • Agnaldo kupper Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp - campus de Assis. São Paulo. Brasil.
Keywords: Industrialism, Work relationships, Football


To understand football, it is necessary to know and recognize the position that the activity occupies through the distribution of practitioners according to their placement in the social space, pointing to the need to perceive the treatment of the sport as a phenomenon inscribed in a market system. capitalist relations, adapting to modern life and establishing itself as a disguised form of work, following the determinations dictated by production. In the process of transforming football into a globalized sporting spectacle, athletes are seen as merchandise, fans as consumers and the game as a financial asset.


Author Biography

Agnaldo kupper, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp - campus de Assis. São Paulo. Brasil.

Professor; historiador; escritor; mestre e doutor na área de História e Sociedade (Unesp).


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How to Cite
kupper, A. (2024). Ball workers or system hostages? The trajectory of the football athlete in the field demarced by the interests of capital. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 16(64), 113-123. Retrieved from
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