The ideal age for the transition from futsal to football: a study with the actors in the process

  • Marcos Xavier de Andrade Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia, Dança, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil.
  • Rodrigo Carlet Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia, Dança, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil.
  • Manoel Eduardo do Prado Shamah Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia, Dança, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil.
  • Priscila Antunes Marques Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia, Dança, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil.
  • Luciano de Oliveira Elias Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia, Dança, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil.
  • Rogério da Cunha Voser Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia, Dança, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil.
Keywords: Futsal, Transition, Training of athletes, Sport pedagogy, Sport training, Footbaal


Brazilian football is considered a source of talent for the most important teams in world football. This role as an inexhaustible source of great soccer players generated in Brazil has been attributed to the initial practice of futsal in schools, squares, social projects and clubs. This article aims to analyze the transition process from futsal to soccer. It is characterized by a qualitative and descriptive study. The study participants were five former athletes who made the transition from futsal to soccer and managed to become professional. The choice was made for convenience. As a data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview was used. To facilitate the collection of information, the speeches were recorded in mp4, to be later transcribed, then returned to the interviewees for validation. The interviews took place remotely via the Skype and Zoom platforms (audio and video) respectively. It can be said that the results obtained in these reports do not show what the “ideal age” would be, and it can be said that it would depend on many other variables, including an environment composed of all these related components: sociocultural, emotional, cognitive , technical, tactical, physical, among others. In short, the discussion about the “ideal age” would be relocated to a secondary level, but the environment built for this would receive greater prominence, becoming the main element of discussion, no matter when, but how to carry it out. it is suggested that new studies be proposed with the aim of helping professionals in the field of training by improving their practices, helping them in the training of new futsal and football players in our country, effectively contributing to the development of talents for these modalities.


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How to Cite
Andrade, M. X. de, Carlet, R., Shamah, M. E. do P., Marques, P. A., Elias, L. de O., & Voser, R. da C. (2024). The ideal age for the transition from futsal to football: a study with the actors in the process. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 16(64), 76-82. Retrieved from
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