Contributions of ball velocity on performance in women's football: a narrative review

  • João Eduardo Pereira da Silva Junior Faculdade de Educação Física, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Campinas-SP, Brasil.
Keywords: Performance, Biomechanics, women's football


Introduction: football has evolved over the years and consequently raised the level of teams. With that, the technical execution of the kick became an important point, as its performance is crucial to score goals and win the match. Among the investigated variables related to the kick, the ball velocity has a very close relationship with the performance of the athletes, due to the greater ball speed, the possibilities of the goalkeeper's defense are reduced. Thus, analyzing ball velocity can promote practical applications for monitoring training and sports performance. Objective: to analyze the contributions of ball velocity in female football players, so that they can help coaches in their daily lives. Materials and Methods: a narrative literature review was carried out. Results and Discussion: Ball velocity values ​​between 18 and 35 m/s are reported in the literature, depending on numerous factors. It was found that age, kicking style and weight and size of the ball influence its speed. In addition to plyometric training and the negative effects of fatigue. In this way, the results can help in the evaluation and monitoring of a player's performance. Conclusion: ball velocity is an important point for the success of a football kick. Shots with higher speeds and precision increase the probability of into a goal.


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How to Cite
Silva Junior, J. E. P. da. (2024). Contributions of ball velocity on performance in women’s football: a narrative review. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 16(64), 165-171. Retrieved from
Scientific Articles - Review