Memes and football: social interactions on the instagram pages of the 20 clubs series A of the men's brazilian championship 2022

  • Gabriel Limirio Mendonça Silva Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais, Brasil.
  • Wesley Marques da Silva Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Keywords: Football memes, Clubs, Supporters, Instagram


This research is the result of a scientific initiation, together with the public notice PAPq 01/2022, linked to the Physical Education course, at the State University of Minas Gerais-UEMG, Ituiutaba unit. The objective was to understand the processes/dynamics of social interactions between clubs/fans, considering the cultural representations of football memes on official Instagram pages of the 20 clubs in Serie A of the 2022 Brazilian Men's Championship. qualitative line based on netnography. Data collection had Instagram as its locus, being carried out in the month of July, between the 150th and 200th round. It was supported by the logbook, and non-participant observation was used as a technique. The collected data were analyzed using analytical coding, hermeneutic interpretation and induction techniques. 66 football memes were analyzed by their types, classifications and categories. The categories defined a posteriori were: Football and clubs, Football and racism, Football and gambling, Football and marketing, Football and anime, Football and video games. Regarding club/fan interaction through football memes, 75% of clubs use this practice, with emphasis on Palmeiras teams, with 31.81%, Flamengo and Coritiba with 12.12%. With respect to types, visual verb memes were present with 56.07%, visual meme 30.30%, textual meme 3.03%, audio visual verb meme 10.60%. It was concluded that football memes propose dialogues and meanings to football in the most diverse possibilities of sociability, being able to create a virtual bleachers, in which the content and subjectivation of each spectator will form its conception.


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How to Cite
Silva, G. L. M., & Silva, W. M. da. (2023). Memes and football: social interactions on the instagram pages of the 20 clubs series A of the men’s brazilian championship 2022. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 15(63), 266-280. Retrieved from
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