The practice of women's futsal in public schools in the city of Diamante-PB

  • Alana Simões Bezerra Centro Universitário de Patos - Unifip, Brasil.
  • Francisnadja Moreirra Barreiro Centro Universitário de Patos - Unifip, Brasil.
  • Fabian Queiroz Centro Universitário de Patos - Unifip, Brasil.
Keywords: Female Futsal, Genre, Public schools


Considering that futsal has had a significant increase in the participation of the female gender, it is one of the contents of Physical Education and one of the sports most practiced in the school environment. Women have been practicing physical activities for some time nowadays, they are gaining more space among sports that have male representation. The objective is to verify the participation of the female gender in futsal, in the public schools of the city of Diamante-PB. This was a field research, exploratory type and quantitative approach, attended by 60 students enrolled in public schools in the city of Diamante-PB, aged between 12 and 17 years. As a tool, a semi-structured questionnaire with 8 objective and 1 subjective question was used to verify the participation of the female gender in futsal in the Physical Education classes of the public schools. For the analysis of the data used the Statiscal Package for the Social Sciences. In this way, the results showed that 90.0% of the students participate in the Physical Education classes and 85.0% participate in the EF class when it is futsal. 71.7% answered that in schools there is futsal training. Regarding the sports taught in Physical Education classes, 100.0% said they were futsal. 78.30% stated that they do not suffer prejudice because they play futsal. It is concluded that there is the practice of futsal in the physical education classes of the public schools of the city of Diamante-PB, so the practice of this sport in public schools plays an important role, since it opens the way for girls to find more spaces in the sport, be recognized and valued.


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How to Cite
Bezerra, A. S., Barreiro, F. M., & Queiroz, F. (2023). The practice of women’s futsal in public schools in the city of Diamante-PB. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 14(60), 541-546. Retrieved from
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