Predictive model applied to brazilian football

  • Bruno Melo da Silva Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brasil.
Keywords: Football, Data collect, Data Science, Data analysis, Regression Analysis


Estimate the result of the 2021 Brazilian championship, through a regression model from 2003 to 2020. Analyzing through Excel 365 and R-Studio software, the second responsible for finding the best equation among the variables analyzed with a p-value (0.05) and achieved an R2=91.73%, which were obtained through Kaggle. Using linear regression to obtain an equation to try to predict the result of the Brazilian 21 and then use the stepwise method to find a shorter and more efficient equation, we can observe the estimated table, where it must be taken into account that the work is done by averages and an evolution can change its estimated position. In this way, two prediction tables were obtained, where the first one with all the variables and the second one with three, thus getting all the positions right and with 35% of accuracy of the score.


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How to Cite
Silva, B. M. da. (2022). Predictive model applied to brazilian football. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 14(58), 291-297. Retrieved from
Scientific Articles - Original