The impact of menstrual cycle phase on non-elite football players’ physical performance and psychological responses

  • Eduardo Wolfart Aveline Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Raul Cosme Ramos do Prado Universidade de São Paulo-USP, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Monica Yuri Takito Universidade de São Paulo-USP, São Paulo, Brasil
Keywords: Football, Menstrual Cycle, Athletic Performance, Sport Psychology


The impact of the menstrual cycle on athletes' performance and psychological factors is still inconclusive, furthermore there are few studies on this topic within football. The aim of this pilot study was to analyze variations in sports performance and psychological factors throughout the menstrual cycle in football players. Seven athletes were daily monitored via a digital self-reported assessment questionnaire about your training sections during three menstrual cycles. Sport performance was significantly better during ovulation, there are also change in levels of attention, affect and sleep quality, with negatives impacts in menses and pre‑menses. In conclusion, the menstrual cycle impacts both sports performance and psychological factors. Future research is necessary for a better understanding of the observed responses, however preliminary results indicate the importance of monitoring the menstrual cycle in athletes to promote better care and optimize performance in football players.


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How to Cite
Aveline, E. W., Cosme Ramos do Prado, R., & Takito, M. Y. (2022). The impact of menstrual cycle phase on non-elite football players’ physical performance and psychological responses . RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 14(57), 109-118. Retrieved from
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