Overview of scientific production about female insertion and participation in brazilian football after revocation of decree-law nº 3.199/1941
Introduction: The sports practice of women's football has been widespread in contemporary society, bringing several reflections on the paradigms that permeate this modality, especially regarding its insertion and visibility in the media. Objective: Analyze the panorama of scientific production about the insertion of women's football and its representation by the press, after the repeal of Decree-Law 3,199. Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative, exploratory study, through bibliographical research carried out with scientific articles, available in the Scielo, Medline, Pubmed and Academic Google databases in the period corresponding to the post Decree-Law 3199 between the years of 1979 until the 2019 World Cup. The descriptors applied were: women's soccer, soccer, women in sport, Decree-Law 3199. In English: women’sfootball, football, women in sport, Decrere-law. After selecting the material, the first superficial reading was carried out to confirm whether the material suited the proposed objective. Then, a deeper reading was made in order to identify the presence of the practice of women's football, characteristics of its invisibility and how the press represents women in Brazilian football. Finally, an analytical reading in order to order and summarize the information in order to respond to the problem proposed in the study. Results: 12 articles were selected, mostly indexed in the Scielo platform. Conclusion: The insertion of women in the communication media and football field proved to be small compared to men, being linked to the lack of promotion, sponsorship and propagation in Brazilian's and world's sports scene.
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