In the evolution of agremiations, the returns provided by football
Introduced as a sport and appreciated by privileged sectors of society, football spread in the first quarter of the 20th century among the most popular strata in Brazil. The nascent Brazilian industrial bourgeoisie would have observed in practice an element also capable of promoting its brands, in addition to disciplining workers. From the 1930s onwards, the Brazilian State, under the command of Getúlio Vargas, restrained the mobilizations promoted by the workers by framing both the working class and the industrial bourgeoisie under their control; for that, one of the elements used was football, which, in addition to being an instrument of political demobilization, served to build a certain national identity. Football has gained consistency between popular and working people, provided by individuals and groups, not without interests.
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Amaro Football Club; America Football Club; Andarahy Athetico Club; Associação Amália de Desportos Atléticos; Associação Athética Suburbana (RJ); Associação Atlética Matarazzo; Bangu Atlhetic Club; Bonsucesso Football Club; Botafogo Football Club; Club Athetico Paulistano; Fidalgo Football Club; Grêmio Recreativo dos Empregados da Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro; Mavillis Foot Ball Club; Portinho Football Club; Primor Football Club; Ramos Football Club; Republicano Athetico Club; São Paulo Athetic Club; Sport Club Galeão; Sport Club Nacional.
Livros de Atas
Ata de Fundação da Associação Atlética Ponte Preta; Ata de Fundação do; Volta Redonda Futebol Clube; Atas do Bangu Atlhetic Club – 1904, 1905, 1911, 1915 e 1916; Atas do Botafogo Football Club – 1904 e 1905; Atas do Grêmio Recreativo dos Empregados da Cia. Paulista de Estradas de Ferro; Atas do Rio Claro Futebol Clube – 1915; Atas Extraordinárias do Sport Club Corinthians Paulista – 1916
Relatório da Assembleia Geral Ordinária da Cia. Progresso Industrial do Brasil, 1903; Relatório da Associação Paulista de Sports Atléticos, 1909; Relatório da Light, 1934; Relatório de Governo do Prefeito Antonio da Silva Prado, 1901; Relatórios da Cia. Paulista de Estradas de Ferro, de 1872 a 1918.
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