The national futsal league 2019: relationship between the technical-tactic context of the origin of the goals scored and the team's position in the classification table

  • Diego Camargo Hobus Universidade do Vale do Taquari - UNIVATES, Brasil.
  • Rodrigo Rother Universidade Vale do Taquari - UNIVATES, Brasil
Keywords: Performance analysis, Perform, Futsal


National League of Futsal 2019: relationship between the tactical technical context of the origin of goals marked and the team position in the classification table Futsal is a collective sport of confrontation between two teams, where the goal is the main objective. It can originate in different ways and identifying its technical tactical context can be of great help in understanding different aspects of the game and in planning training. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze and identify whether there is a relationship between the technical tactical context of the origin of the goals scored and the final classification of the teams in the first phase of the National Futsal League 2019.This study is quantitative, descriptive, and correlational. The sample consisted of 785 goals scored in the qualifying phase of the competition. Data collection was carried out by observing the matches 'videos, freely available on YouTube, official pages, team’s Facebook or in the competition's official website. To analyze the data, a Spearman rank correlation was used, with a significance level of p <0.05, performed by the PAST 4.02 Statistical Software. It was found that the goals scored through counterattack, dead ball, goalkeeper defense, line and side were correlated with the classification, that is, the teams that scored more goals from these contexts were better placed. It is concluded that these technical-tactical contexts should receive special attention in the training of the teams aiming at a better classification in the competitions


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How to Cite
Hobus, D. C., & Rother, R. (2022). The national futsal league 2019: relationship between the technical-tactic context of the origin of the goals scored and the team’s position in the classification table. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 13(56), 615-623. Retrieved from
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