Football: Contribution to the health of adolescents

  • Fabio Junior Facioni Pós-graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Futebol e Futsal: As Ciências do Esporte e a Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Football, Teenagers, Physical capabilities, Health


On the it is emerging the football schools as an alternative to engage the teenagers in healthy sports practice. Health is related to a good fitness of muscular endurance, aerobic capacity and good body mass indexes. This field research investigates if the football practicing contributes to the physical health of teenagers from the football school “Craques do Futuro” in the city of Três Passos -RS. It was searched five teenagers, from thirteen to fifteen years old who have attended the football school for more than two years, called in this research "old students" and also five teenagers with thesame ages who have been enrolled for less than two months, called "new students". The tests performed were in aerobic capacity, abdominal, BMI. The results were as follows: The average aerobic capacity of the old students was 1203 m, what is considered regular, yet the new students average was 1015 m, what is considered weak. In the muscular endurance the old students reached the average of 34.2 abdominal workouts per minute, considered good, the new students 25.4, considered regular. The average of body mass index for the old students was 19.73 and for the new ones was 23.76. We conclude through the results of this research that the old students have muscular endurance and aerobic capacity better than the new students, their body mass index is also more favorable for the physical health because they are farther from being overweight.


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How to Cite
Facioni, F. J. (2012). Football: Contribution to the health of adolescents. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 3(10). Retrieved from
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