Evaluation of special endurance in football players Boca Juniors club pre juvenile category

  • Julian Andres Hernandez Aux Universidad Cesmag, Colômbia.
  • Daniel Isaac Muñoz Mora Universidad Cesmag, Colômbia.
  • Cristian Camilo Oviedo Ruales Universidad Cesmag, Colômbia.
Keywords: Football, Grassroots football, Endurance


The objective of this article is to evaluate the specific resistance in soccer players in the pre-youth category of the Boca Juniors Nariño club in the city of San Juan de Pasto, the methodology in the descriptive study is to correlate, within a quantitative framework, the intended sample with a quantity of 15 subjects from 14 to 17 years of age through tests under special conditions that yield reliable results. Consequently, the exposed variables are evaluated through numerical criteria (time) of a purely quantitative nature. According to the conclusion with the objectives, the correlation was verified under a statistical analysis, consequently the results are of positive correlation, that is, the higher the positive score of the variables of the physical tests, the physical performance of each player in the field of game is higher.


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How to Cite
Aux, J. A. H., Mora, D. I. M., & Ruales, C. C. O. (2021). Evaluation of special endurance in football players Boca Juniors club pre juvenile category. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 13(53), 226-233. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/1101
Scientific Articles - Original