Awareness of concussion and effect of education and pre-season evaluation on better diagnosis and followup in professional teams of Brasiliense Football Championship

  • Moacir Silva Neto Instituto de Pesquisa e Ensino do Hospital HOME, Centro Médico de Excelência da FIFA (IPE/HOME), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
  • Ana Carolina Salazar Albuquerque Programa de Iniciação Cientí­fica (PIC), Centro Universitário de Brasí­lia (UniCEUB), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
  • Camila Rodrigues Ribeiro Programa de Iniciação Cientí­fica (PIC), Centro Universitário de Brasí­lia (UniCEUB), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
  • Pedro Henrique Crema Duarte Instituto de Pesquisa e Ensino do Hospital HOME, Centro Médico de Excelência da FIFA (IPE/HOME), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
  • Gabriel Xavier Ramalho Programa de Iniciação Cientí­fica (PIC), Centro Universitário de Brasí­lia (UniCEUB), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
  • Aline Lamounier Gonçalves Programa de Iniciação Cientí­fica (PIC), Centro Universitário de Brasí­lia (UniCEUB), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
  • Paulo Lobo Instituto de Pesquisa e Ensino do Hospital HOME, Centro Médico de Excelência da FIFA (IPE/HOME), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
  • Marcio de Paula Oliveira Instituto de Pesquisa e Ensino do Hospital HOME, Centro Médico de Excelência da FIFA (IPE/HOME), Brasí­lia-DF, Brasil.
Keywords: Brain concussion, Football, Incidence, Diagnosis


The aim of this study was to perform a retrospective and prospective analysis of the incidence of cerebral concussion in athletes from Brasiliense Football Championship and perform a preseason concussion education and evaluation of professional football teams from Brasilia to evaluate its effects on concussion diagnosis and proper followup. Materials and methods: A lecture before the championship was performed at FIFA Medical Center of Excellence, by a specialist physician, about concussion's main aspects. 187 professional fourth division football athletes were then asked about their concussion history and if they had received a medical diagnosis. Athletes were also baseline tested with computerized cognitive tests and clinical tests. During the championship researchers were weekly in contact with the teams to determine concussion incidence. Discussion: The incidence observed in this study (7%), although it may have been underreported, was compatible with the literary findings. The literature is consensual to point out constant flaws in the diagnosis of this lesion, concluding in several studies that the estimates about CC are underestimated. Results: 187 male athletes, mean age 25.2, federated to the FBF. Of these, 24.6% reported that they had already had previous concussion, but only one had obtained diagnosis. 4 concussions were diagnosed in the season. Conclusion: Many athletes had already suffered concussion previously without proper diagnosis. The educational program and the preseason evaluation sustained a good effect in increasing concussion diagnosis and better follow-up. A high incidence of concussion was appointed on the professional football players.


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How to Cite
Silva Neto, M., Albuquerque, A. C. S., Ribeiro, C. R., Duarte, P. H. C., Ramalho, G. X., Gonçalves, A. L., Lobo, P., & Oliveira, M. de P. (2021). Awareness of concussion and effect of education and pre-season evaluation on better diagnosis and followup in professional teams of Brasiliense Football Championship . RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 13(52), 137-145. Retrieved from
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