Variation of the speed of the ball after the kick of the grade categories of men's futsal

  • Edson Gustavo Dalbosco Universidade de Passo Fundo-UPF, Passo Fundo-RS, Brasil.
  • Ben Hur Soares Universidade de Passo Fundo-UPF, Passo Fundo-RS, Brasil.
  • Adriano Pasqualotti Universidade de Passo Fundo-UPF, Passo Fundo-RS, Brasil.
  • Ricardo Vilasbôas Universidade de Passo Fundo-UPF, Passo Fundo-RS, Brasil.
Keywords: Futsal, Kick, Speed variation


The speed that the ball reaches in the technical movement of the kick, in a futsal game, can be the determining factor for the scoring of a goal. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variation in kicking speed, of practitioners of the male futsal modality, in the sub 07, 09, 11 and sub 13 categories, using a BUSHNELL radar, model 101911. This study has relevance and importance to collaborate with this sport, and so that one can better understand how this technique behaves in this phase of development of boys. To this end, the data were collected from students at the futsal school Cristo Rei, in the city of Marau-RS, where each student made 03 free-kick shots of 10m (second penal shot), with an interval of sixty seconds between them, and after the finishing with higher speed was selected both with the use of segmentation of the dominant lower limb (DO) and for the non-dominant side (NDO). The data were analyzed in the light of descriptive statistics and possible significant differences between them. It was possible to identify that as the age advances, the ball speed advances through the kick, being that in the 6 years (DO- 45,6 km / h; NDO- 35,6 km / h) for the 14 years (DO- 87,4 km / h; NDO- 69.8Km / h), the speed almost doubled, and the biggest differences occurred between the ages of 9 to 10 years, however, the biggest peak of development evidenced was the passage of the age group from 12 to 13 years.


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How to Cite
Dalbosco, E. G., Soares, B. H., Pasqualotti, A., & Vilasbôas, R. (2022). Variation of the speed of the ball after the kick of the grade categories of men’s futsal. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 13(54), 410-418. Retrieved from
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