Relationship between doping in football and global socioeconomic indicators

  • Rui Camarada Universidade de Évora, Portugal.
Keywords: Sport Management, Ethic, Doping, Football, Socioeconomic Indicators


The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between several global socio-economic indicators and positive cases of doping in soccer in all countries of the world. Methodologically, we use quantitative methods. Through official sources, we collect data from all previously defined socio-economic indicators and positive cases of doping. We performed several statistical procedures, namely descriptive statistics, hypothesis tests, correlations and variance analysis. hrough statistical procedures, we assess that the indicators with the highest averages are the human capital index (65.05) and the corruption index (41.93), meaning that these indicators are the most important for countries. We found that there are more countries without positive cases (n=126) than countries with positive cases of doping (n=58). The Sig (2 extremities) presents a p<0.05, so the Student's t test shows statistically significant differences between all variables analyzed and the number of doping cases, except for the unemployment rate and gini coefficient for a 95% confidence interval. We conclude that the greater the human capital and the perception of corruption, the lower the consumption of doping. We also measured that the higher the HDI and happiness index, the higher the doping consumption. The unemployment rate and gini coefficient did not show any statistical difference.


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How to Cite
Camarada, R. (2021). Relationship between doping in football and global socioeconomic indicators. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 13(52), 60-73. Retrieved from
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