Analysis of the origin of the goals of a futsal team marked in games as visitor and home

  • Rodrigo Rother Universidade do Vale do Taquari (UNIVATES), Brasil.
  • Anderson Scalco Universidade do Vale do Taquari (UNIVATES), Brasil.
Keywords: Futsal, Offensive tactic, Goals


Introduction: Futsal is constantly evolving, and performance analysis is fundamental in this process. Objective: To compare the origin of goals scored as the home team and the visitor of a futsal team. Materiais e methods: Eighteen matches were observed by a team from the Liga Gaúcha 2, edition 2019, with nine games as home team and nine as a visitor, from the first phase of the competition. The goals were recorded and classified according to their origin: positional attack, counterattack, dead ball, goalkeeper line, defense line and numerical advantage. The collection was made through videos of the games, available for free and with free public access on the YouTube and Facebook channels of the analyzed club. The data were recorded in Excel spreadsheets and sum, percentages, means and standard deviation were calculated. For comparison, Student's t test was used for paired samples, adopting a significance level of p <0.05. Results: In the eighteen games analyzed, 83 goals were scored, with an average of 5.33 per game. It was found that the positional attack (39.76%), counterattack (37.35%) and the dead ball (14.46%) are responsible for most of the goals. In matches as principal was the positional attack with (37.05%), counterattack (37.05%) and the dead ball (16.67%). In the matches as visitors, positional attack (42.86%), counterattack (37.14%) and dead ball (11.43%). Compared the data as principal and visitor did not present significant differences between the origin values, only in the total of goals. Conclusion: There is a balance between how the goals are achieved, although they occur more when the team is in charge over when they are visiting.


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How to Cite
Rother, R., & Scalco, A. (2021). Analysis of the origin of the goals of a futsal team marked in games as visitor and home. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 12(51), 720-725. Retrieved from
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