Physical fitness levels of female professional football players acting in different positions in the game

  • Karla Chaves Loureiro Faculdade Sogipa, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
  • Rodrigo Ferrari Faculdade Sogipa, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. 2 - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Keywords: Women's Football, Physical Preparation, Physical assessment


Football is characterized as an acyclic modality that demands from athletes an excellent physical conditioning. In order to improve information related to women's football, it is necessary to identify and provide more information related to physical variables of the modality. Objective: to analyze the anthropometric and physical fitness levels of professional female soccer athletes that play in different match positions. Methods: 32 professional soccer players in Brazil took part of this study. We included Goalkeepers (Go), Full Back (La), Defender (Za), Defensive Midfielder (Vo), Sttacking Midfielder (Me) and Forward (At). They performed different physical fitness evaluations during the competitive period of the season: anthropometric, aerobic capacity, anaerobic power and vertical jump to assess muscle power. Results: Go presented higher height, less aerobic capacity and better lower limb power compared to other positions. The Vo obtained the best performance in the evaluation of anaerobic power and aerobic capacity compared to the other positions, and in comparison with the Za, La, Me and At, obtained the best performance of muscle power of the lower limbs. The Za obtained the highest value in percentage of fat, and the lowest aerobic capacity compared with La, Me, Vo and At. The La presented the lowest result in the lower limb muscle power test. Conclusion: Physical fitness levels seems to be influenced by the physical demands of the match in female professional players and its performance varies according to the demand that each athlete plays in the match by position.


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How to Cite
Loureiro, K. C., & Ferrari, R. (2021). Physical fitness levels of female professional football players acting in different positions in the game. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 12(51), 665-670. Retrieved from
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