The origin of goals in male futsal games during the open games of Santa Catarina 2019

  • Emerson Antonio Brancher Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB, Santa Catarina, Brasil.
  • Gustavo Eduardo Leite Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB, Santa Catarina, Brasil.
  • Nubia Nara Slomp Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB, Santa Catarina, Brasil.
Keywords: Technica/tactical fundamentals, Goals, Positional attack, Offensive transition


The origin of goals in futsal games has been frequently studied, so several variables are analyzed, all with the purpose of providing reliable data for training the technical/tactical actions of a team for a given championship and each category played. This study aimed to analyze the origin of the goals in men's futsal games that occurred during the 59th Open Games in Santa Catarina in 2019. In total 32 games were played and analyzed divided into groups and finals. The data collection instrument was a Scout adapted from Brancher (2019) with the purpose of identifying the goal's origin move (positional attack, offensive transition or set-ball), as well as the number of corners, fouls, ball replacements made by the goalkeeper and the sides that occurred during the game and with their respective locations on the court. In the results, it is observed that in the group phase, the positional attack actions obtained the highest incidence in the origin of the goals (48.33%), followed by offensive transition (37.50%) and dead ball (14.17%), in the final stages, the offensive transition actions obtained (40.82%), followed by positional attack (36.73%) and set-ball (22.45%). In the entire competition, we obtained 1258 full-backs, 304 corners, 91 fouls and 656 ball replacements made by the goalkeeper. It is assumed that the differences found in the competition phases are due to the technical / tactical quality between the teams, considering that there are some that dispute the national league and others with amateur players.


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How to Cite
Brancher, E. A., Leite, G. E., & Slomp, N. N. (2024). The origin of goals in male futsal games during the open games of Santa Catarina 2019. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 16(65), 181-188. Retrieved from
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